The Weblog Miguel News: Donald, why did you fuck a porn actress?
Donald T.: I must be shure, that I’m great again, listen, Melanie has throw a little crying human, so I must step aside.
TWMN: And? Was you great again?
D. T.: Sure, I was great as every time! Look, Stormy was screaming, and her body twitched the whole 2 minutes and 7 seconds, and her eyes rolled like in her movies. She lookes like in her movies, so I’m shure, she have had 3 orgasm a minute!
TWMN: Donald, why do you tell us this story, don’t you fear regress?
D. T. (after ugly laughing): Regress? Me??? I’m Donald!!! And I was great again!!! So great!!! Should I show? (Donald fiddled at his trouser)
TWMN stopped recording at this time.