Mein (Stief-) Bruder is ein Man in Black:

55 years ago.
you have never understood the world and never will.
It’s like wakin’ up in the morning
When you feel you’ve had a good dream
But you can’t quite remember what is was
It’s like wakin’ up in the morning
When the dream’s just left a shadow
And you feel like a lost man
Who left his intended train too early
And at the wrong station
When the dream is over
You can try as hard as you can
You can only keep some sweet thoughts
But you can never ever get back
get back to that dream again
Udo Lindenberg – Helen Schneider
Nach dem Tod von Oliver Norvell Hardy (Babe) schrieb Stan Laurel weiterhin Drehbücher für gemeinsame Filme, die natürlich nie verwirklicht werden konnten.
Is already gone, no more B and B tonight.
schlaegt 2021 seit gestern kraeftig zu, das Leben/Schicksal hat ja Nachholbedarf, es ist NIE gut, wenn ausser Sonn-/Feiertags in meinem Display eine Spanische Tel.-Nr. aufleuchtet… .
Like ever by Kate, don’t look the video, just listen…
Today I heared Kate Bush more than two hours from Vinyl and watched a documentation about her on Arte.
Only with a little break for “Boerse vor Acht” and “Tagesschau”
I started in 1982
and ended in 1985.
I also ordered Kate Bush: Remastered In Vinyl III and IV (180g).
She herself remastered the records, this two packages includes 12″ Mixes«, »The Other Side 1«, »The Other Side 2« and »In Others’ Words« (IV), and the alben »Aerial« (2005), »50 Words For Snow« (2011) and also the compilation »Director’s Cut« (2011) (III).